Aloha Little Hula Girl lyrics/music©:P. Schkarlat

You and me, living in harmony

On a little island with soft winds

And palmtrees on coconut beach.

Hula songs the sea will bring along

Oh, how I´d love to see

Your dancing just for me.


But there´s no more chance for me

To reach this phantasy

Cause my ship puts out to the sea

And I never asked You to be

My little hula girl

You´d brighten my dreary world

So I keep Your memory with me

Aloha little hula girl


But there´s no more chance for me

To reach this phantasy

Cause my ship puts out to the sea

And I never asked You to be

My little hula girl

You´d brighten my dreary world

So I keep Your memory with me

Aloha little hula girl

Achtung nächster Termin: Wg. Umzug vorerst keine Termine


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Impressum: P. Schkarlat, Im Burghof 6, 93426 Roding

Unsere CD “Aloha Little Hula Girl”    ist auch auf Amazon, iTunes und Spotify erhältlich!